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Our meditation team is constantly developing and adapting the method for the satisfaction of the people who meditate at our centre. As everyone's mind is different, the meditation method needs to be carefully explained according to the level of understanding of local people. Therefore, when you start this meditation, there is one private hour of explanation and individual guidance to fully understand the method. This is followed by half an hour of individual guidance each week. Please take advantage of our programme and achieve your goal.

One to One Consultation: With this private consultation you will learn the method and check your progress with a meditation guide. This weekly counselling is given to resolve your difficulties on the path to finding True Mind.
Group Meditation: You can easily access greater joy and energy flow by being together.

In order to progress successfully, we need to combine our efforts. To make it easy for you to meditate regularly, we offer online meditation sessions 7 days a week. 

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und mit uns meditieren? - Reserviere deine freie 1 zu 1 Session

Rufe uns an und mache einen Termin hier: +49 1573 4879429

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