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Tätigkeiten Berlin Meditation.png
Walking/Geh- Meditation

Together we go through the forest and meditate in action in nature. Rubish has no chance, it will go into the bin! For a clean environment.

Was machen wir?
Meditation in the Garden

Even in uncertain times we can meet online or in the garden to be together. Let's meditate to become one without barriers.

Meditations together

Together we can do anything! People are beautiful, the universe is beautiful, nature is beautiful, coexistence is heaven.

Environment action
paper bags

With rubishbags out of old newspaper we try to prevent more rubish.

Outdoor Activities
planting and cultivating

Every year we reap what we sow. We eat and enjoy together.


We collect, sort out and wash clothes for people in need,

we give them to missions that distribute them.


We rescue that would get dumped from supermarkets and sort out and wash it to give it to people in need.


Through the luck of having met this meditation, we are grateful to give everyone the opportunity to get to know the method and find Truth within.

Want to join our lovely community &
meditation together?

Together we can do it!

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