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Unsere Vision, zusammen glücklich leben Meditation


Berlin-Meditation e.V. was registered as a non-profit organisation in Berlin in 2015. Since then, this True Mind meditation method has been adapted to the local people, local culture in Germany to restore the true, healthy mind. Our vision is to encourage people to integrate meditation into their daily lives and experience the benefits of meditation. The Berlin Meditation Team is deeply grateful for the support and encouragement from you who share our vision. 

Our meditation method is originally from the Foundation of Support for the True Mind Training, founded in 1996, S.Korea. This meditation explains the formation of the human mind and how it causes stress, pain, burden and other mental problems we face today. It also presents the method of how to purify the false mind step by step and find the true mind within.


Many meditation based programmes have been developed and specified for schools, universities, companies, government offices and organisations worldwide. Especially since the Corona Crisis, it has become trendy to find the healthy, clear mind through meditation.


Beyond religion, race, age, gender, social background we can be united through meditation and create harmony. 

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